Kenny Omega gave an update on his recent injuries and AEW render in an interview with Wrestling Observer Radio. Omega has been out of action since Nov 2021 to focus on rehabbing a series of nagging injuries. Notwithstanding, it appears the timetable for Kenny Omega's render to action won't exist as soon every bit initially predictable.

"I was perhaps a picayune also optimistic. I was hoping to be back past February, and it's not looking that fashion anymore. And that's not to say that there was a huge snag or that you know in that location's something that is terribly incorrect. It's not that. It'south just when you're trying to get appointments and things fixed, you lot have it in your encephalon that oh yeah, I can just call a number, and I'll make it the next 24-hour interval.

"I'g nevertheless feeling a lilliputian bit better as fourth dimension goes by and that's without even having to do a lot of the major procedures that need to be done. That'southward just myself working with trainers and doing the proper rehab," Kenny Omega disclosed. "I was leaning as well heavily into my strengths as a performer and every bit an athlete. I guess over the years there were either but natural strengths that I had or things that I had overdeveloped and I was relying too much on those things. Now that the knees are gone, the neck's going, a lot of stuff was going on."

With so many injuries plaguing AEW'southward Kenny Omega, his torso isn't operating at normal capacity. Kenny Omega's body is in complete disarray. At that place's no doubt every bit to why it's so "alarming" for the one-time AEW World Champion.

"My normal walk at present is kind of like a zombie shuffle. Every bit days get by, you don't realize how your daily activities and your normal lifestyle changes unless you have someone actually bespeak it out to you that really knows the man body and its mechanics."

"I would piece of work with a trainer and someone whose very studied in human anatomy and all that. It's similar you know, do this, flex this, flex simply this, now flex this and this together. My body couldn't make those connections anymore. I was like wait a minute, what's going on? My glute is completely expressionless. Why won't my glute really burn? Why can't I on command activate my hamstring musculus? It's things like that. Information technology'southward alarming at first."

Taking care of the injuries now might prevent Omega from a worse relapse farther downwardly the road. Omega'due south current focus is on getting healthy and starting the long and excruciating route to recovery. Even though Omega could return without treating everything, it could cause far greater bug downwards the line.

"The hernia is absolutely something that I want to get taken care of at present," Omega remarked. "I would hate to come back and let's say something happens where it only tears wide open and my intestines are spilling out everywhere. It would suck to accept all this time off, come dorsum, and and then immediately go, 'oh actually no I'thou going to get this other surgery now'. I want to go it done now."

"To be able to walk around and live life, that's a v-twenty-four hours process or something like that. To exist able to accept impact on the abdomen surface area, to miss similar a moonsault, to get double foot stomped. Things similar that, that's going to take six-viii weeks probably before I should exist doing it or before I would get cleared to do it."

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